Friday, April 29, 2011

The Uniform

Martial arts is a way of living- just like religion, or any value that shapes your life. To me, it represents everything good in the world: disciple, honesty, love, and justice.
Sure, some learn Karate or Muay Thai just to be able to fight. But when you really get into the spiritual side of things, you open doors that help you mature immensely- and develop into a good and caring person.
I have been guilty of being lazy with training- and taking my body for granted. But like everything, we can always choose to pick ourselves up and start again. When I put on my uniform, I feel like a different man. Tying my belt around my waist brings back the feelings of discipline- and living life as an honorable person.
So, starting now, I'm going to put on my uniform daily- and wear it at all times.. Yes, metaphorically speaking- but I hope you understand what I mean.. and I challenge anyone reading this to do the same.

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